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1:00 AM - Sat February 15, 2025
Cogeneration Power Plant Services
We have extensive experience in design; engineering; construction; commissioning; and operations and maintenance of cogeneration power plants. Inside-the-fence cogeneration facilities for large chemical, petrochemical, and refinery complexes are our specialty. We employ a site utilities infrastructure integration that ties the plants together to provide energy needs. These projects provide reliable, cost-effective steam and power essential to the success of world-scale process plants.


Combined Heat and Power
Delve Energy can look at your system and evaluate its potential. If you need steam for your process, power for your plant and equipment, or have waste heat available; let us help you optimize your energy sources and use. We design systems that supply heating needs, cooling needs, chilled water needs, or combined systems that provide multiple energy solutions. We work with a variety of equipment types for commercial and industrial applications to fulfill the unique needs of each client. Delve Energy can offer an array of options to create the most cost effective, efficient, and environmentally sound energy solution.


Renewable Energy
Environmental concerns and the rising cost of fossil fuels have caused companies to reevaluate their stance on renewable energy sources. The reduction of capital cost for renewable energy systems has made these systems a viable option for commercial and industrial applications. State and federal subsidies now in place can make renewable energy projects competitive with traditional power generation systems. We will work with your team to determine if renewable energy technology is a viable option for your application. Delve Energy provides advisory consulting services and project management for renewable energy projects including:
Ground Source Heat Pumps
Solar Heating
Solar Power
Waste to Energy
Wind Energy


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