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0:45 AM - Sat February 15, 2025

O&M, Commissioning, and Start-up Services
Our broad experience in operations and maintenance of chemical, petrochemical, and power plants, can serve your needs. We can find and implement cost effective solutions in asset management, staffing, organizing an effective operating team, troubleshooting, productivity improvements, maintenance management processes, increased reliability, root cause analysis, or equipment overhauls. We have extensive expertise in General Electric, Siemens Westinghouse, ABB, Pratt & Whitney, Dresser, Elliott, and other brands of gas turbines, steam turbines, diesel and gas generators, boilers, and balance of plant equipment. We have designed, built, operated, and maintained numerous combined cycle, peaking, and simple cycle power plants.

Delve Energy can assist your team in all phases of commissioning and start-up of new and refurbished facilities. With our skills and knowledge base, we can help ensure that your commissioning activities will be thorough, complete, and will result in a safe, environmentally sound, and smooth start-up. We often discover ways to shorten checkout, verification, and time schedules, while increasing the quality of commissioning and start-up activities. We attend to the issues of stress reduction and productivity of the individuals on commissioning and start-up teams.



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